Refund Policy

At, our goal is to provide you with expert consultations that meet and exceed your expectations. We understand that circumstances may arise that could lead to the need for a refund. Please review our refund policy below to understand how we handle different situations:

Missed Appointment by Booker:

If you, as the booker, miss a scheduled consultation appointment, we regret to inform you that no refund will be issued. We encourage you to ensure your availability and set reminders to make the most of your booked session.

Consultant’s Absence:

If a consultant fails to attend a scheduled session, and the rescheduled date and time are not suitable for you, we will process a refund upon your request. We aim to provide a seamless experience, and any inconvenience caused due to consultant unavailability will be addressed promptly.

Network Issues:

In case of technical issues or network disruptions during the consultation, we will not provide a refund. Instead, we will coordinate with you to reschedule the session at a mutually convenient date and time to ensure a successful consultation experience.

Structured Consultation Format:

Our consultations follow a structured format where the booker is required to ask questions. This ensures focused discussions and productive outcomes. Open-ended discussions are not part of our service.

Unsatisfactory Solutions:

In the event that a question raised by the booker does not receive an appropriate solution from the consultant during the session, you can contact us at Our review team will thoroughly assess the meeting, and if the concern is found to be genuine, we will process a refund.

Code of Conduct:

We maintain a respectful and professional environment during consultations. Any use of foul language, abusive words, attempting to obtain contact details, or sharing personal information will lead to the immediate termination of the session. In such cases, no refund will be provided.

Please keep in mind that our refund policy is designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and a positive experience for all users. If you encounter any issues or have concerns, please reach out to our support team at, and we will be happy to assist you.

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